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What Makes Narcissists Tick - Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder 5

What Makes Narcissists Tick - Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder 5

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What Makes Narcissists Tick - Understanding Narcissistic Personality Disorder Publisher's Description

What Makes Narcissists Tick uses real-life examples of narcissistic behavior to explain the mystery of malignant narcissism in plain English for the average person. It is the only book of its kind. It translates the fuzzy abstractions of formal jargon to concrete terms that have real meaning to the average person. It doesn't tell you what to do or counsel you. You can get that from other books.

This one simply gives you the foundation of background information and understanding you need to recognize a narcissist and to deal with the problem of one in your life -- whether a psychopath or someone with narcissistic personality disorder, whether at home or in the workplace. It shows how narcissists behave and why. For example, do you know what really triggers a narc attack? It isn't anything the victim did. Find out what paints a bull's eye on you to make you a target. This book shows you where narcissists are coming from and what their objectives are so that you know what's going on in your relationship with one. For example, did you know that narcissists don't lie for the same reasons normal people do? Knowing their objective makes a huge difference in your understanding of what is going on and therefore how you should react to their pathological lying.

This eBook comes in Adobe PDF format and supports high-resolution printing. It comes in two editions. The regular edition is laid out for printing on the 8.5 x 11 inch paper used in the United States. The International Edition (IE) is laid out for printing on the A4 size paper used elsewhere.

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